Life Enrichment

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Your Day, Your Way

We’ve established a culture of choice here at The Terraces at Capitol. Choose the lifestyle option that makes sense for you. Our level of care will adapt as your needs evolve. 

We offer elegant lifestyle options within everyone’s reach, including personal care, memory care, and rehabilitation care. We believe all our residents deserve to live life on their own terms with personalized services that are tailored to their individual need. 

No matter which lifestyle you choose, living in our community gives you access to a range of premium services, luxurious amenities, and a packed schedule of events in a sought-after location in Harrisburg, PA. 

Need help choosing the right lifestyle option? Reach out to our team and we can discuss the benefits of each, and which one is right for you or your loved one.  


LifeLoop connects you with family, friends, and other community residents, and staff. It promotes independence by utilizing connection and communication. The user-friendly design makes the platform easy to navigate on any device with internet access.


Samba Fitness – Stay Fit and Have Fun

Samba Fitness is a fitness program that involves cardio and a fusion of fun upbeat music that is sure to have our residents enjoy themselves as they are being active and healthy. 

Benefits from taking a Samba Fitness class are: 

  • Improved cardiovascular capacity
  • Increased overall muscular strength and endurance 
  • Enhanced motor control, performance, and agility  
  • Socialization amongst other residents
  • Relieve Stress
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