Joseph Tatnall

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My family’s heritage is Quaker, arriving in Penn’s colony in the 1740s. 

I was born in Philadelphia in 1955, but grew up in Washington, DC.

I have a BA in music and an MA in English from Washington College, and professional certification in culinary arts from the Culinary Institute of America.

I taught high school music, history, and English in prep schools in Delaware and Maryland for 40 years, and high school culinary arts in Vo-Tech in Delaware for 2 years before retiring.

My husband Dan and I moved to the Fountain View (Watermark) in May 2022. My godfather had been a resident here in the early 2000s.

Currently, my activities here include Wake up and Workout and Short Story discussion. I am a regular participant at Wine and Cheese Wednesdays, and prepare/moderate the symphony and opera previews.

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